Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Big Day!

Well, we made it! Jack had a great first day at Kindergarten. I wish I could say the same for myself. I did not cry as much as I thought I would, but a few tears were definitely shed. Last night, I began to wonder if he was as ready as I first thought. He said, "I don't think I am going to Kindergarten tomorrow." So, after a book about the first day and a sprinkle of Ms. Powers' special "jitter glitter", he finally went to sleep. Although, not before asking why the jitter glitter was not working. I suppose he really thought it was magic dust and it would be lights out immediately. He got up this morning very excited and marched in like he has been doing this his whole life. Jack, the little politician. He went over to a friend of his who is in 2nd grade and was not happy about being at school at all and tried to console him. :) He said to me tonight, "Mom, kindergarten is a lot better than staying at home just making stuff up all day isn't it?" So, I guess our time together means a lot more to me than to him! Today I am so thankful for time with a friend so I didn't have to miss him at home today and for the comfort, welcome and hugs from the special staff of this sweet school.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Bittersweet Day

I am not quite sure where the last 5 years have gone. That being said, I have had a super bittersweet day. My first born met his kindergarten teacher today. :( He is so excited about this new adventure in life and I am so excited for him. I am also so sad because he is leaving the comfort of his home where he has been with me for the last five years. My husband and I made the decision not long after he was born that I would quit my job as a registered nurse and dedicate my life for the time being on raising this little guy. Well, one brother 18 months later and a baby sister just over a year ago, I am still here raising these babies. The sad part is, they are not babies anymore. The mail man delivered his backpack on Friday. He was so excited that I thought he would jump through the door to get it. "My backpack! My backpack!" He has worn it since. I am so happy to see this kind of enthusiasm for school. He is just growing up too fast for mama.